Guest Reviews
Our hearts desire is to do all things for the glory of God. We hope that comes across in your time at Koinonia Farms Camp! May the Lord bless you and your families, and move in your hearts after returning home.
Koinonia Farms Camp Staff
Tom Heil
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
"Over 30+ years of organizing our annual Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) retreat, we saw God move in young people's lives in a mighty way. As these high school athletes got away from the familiar routine of their homes and schools and teams, God used a camp environment and caring Christians to break down walls and bring hundreds of these kids into a relationship with Him. A camp with leadership committed to serving God and serving others was essential. Koinonia Farms is a place where these miracles will continue to happen."
Luke Sachs
Teays Valley HS Student
"The FCA Leadership Camp really lit a fire in my soul to want to spread God’s word and His grace. I just have the desire to grow my relationship closer with Him and not have it be a task, but something that I want to do and crave. Now I can feel the Holy Spirit. I feel flooded with it and I’m hyped about it. God has moved through us so much that we just want to spread it."
Garret Summers
OU Athens Student
"FCA had an amazing impact my faith in high school. FCA offered me an environment to unite with other students and have fun while praising God. I had the privilege of being an FCA leader when I was a senior. It was great to be able to connect with younger students and talk about their faith and try to help them grow as a Christian. Another thing to mention are the amazing the FCA retreats. I have attended them since I was a freshman. They are a blast. It’s definitely one of the highlights of my school year. The amount of fun you have is unmatched. You also get to be in an atmosphere where everyone is praising God and growing closer to Him. Once the Linton’s built the Koininoa FCA camp on their property, I was lucky to be involved with that process. It’s a beautiful place to go escape from reality and worship God with your friends. I am going to miss FCA tremendously, but it will always hold a special place in my heart. Now as a college student, I am a member of Cru at Ohio University. I am excited to get involved at this new phase of my life."
Carson Summers
Logan Elm HS Student
"FCA has been an incredible program since I started attending meetings my freshman year of high school. My church does not have a very active and stable youth group, so FCA was the place where I bonded and grew tremendously in my faith. I have been blessed to learn from so many great role models and people much wiser than me through FCA, including my huddle leaders, and the many adults at the FCA retreats. The retreats have been a special part of my relationship with God, each pushing me further and further towards Him. My knwoledge and courage to share the gospel has grown, and I attribute that to being around other people my age that have inspired me to better my realtionship with God. I can't thank enough all those who make FCA and all the retreats possible, especially the Linton's. The stories and moments with the Lord that I have experienced at FCA are irreplaceable. It is safe to say that FCA has brought me to knew heights with God, and I plan to keep growing in my faith."