Michael & Annette {Nettie} Linton purchased Koinonia Farms in 1988 with the goal of establishing a Christian retreat center in order to share the Best (Good) News: Jesus Christ, and to encourage and build fellowship among believers.
Koinonia Farms Camp, a Christian camp in Hocking Hills, has been a 35-year journey with many like minded believers who have been there to support and challenge us during the journey that felt like forever, until God opened the door to building this facility. With God's help, we opened Koinonia Farms Camp in November 2021.

I have wanted to be a part of providing Christian camp experiences for youth and adults since graduating from college. My first experience with Christian camping was as a senior in high school. I attended the first Pickaway County FCA retreat. I gave my life to Christ during that weekend. I have continued to be involved in FCA and camp ministry. Annette and I met at an FCA retreat. We have shared the vision of providing camp experiences to as many people as possible.
I am beyond excited to see God move in the lives of campers, leaders and volunteers. The blessings to date have far out-weighed any challenges we have faced. I am so thankful to do this ministry with the support of my wife and all seven of our children. I am thankful that God has provided this beautiful piece of creation for us to live, and that we get to share the property with thousands of campers each year.
Ephesians 2:10 says, For we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for Good works, which GOD prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
From the moment we looked at and subsequently purchased this beautiful Hocking Hills property, GOD has been preparing, guiding, and moving us towards the opening of Koinonia Farms Camp. God established us here in 1988, and HE has sustained us over the last 35years as we renovated and rebuilt an old broken down farm, and raised 7 wonderful children by HIS Grace and initiative! It took the year of Covid in 2020 as the impetus to lay “bricks & mortar”; or stone, concrete, and a myriad of building materials to this camp dream.
We have had the absolute privilege of taking part in months of exhausting labor: the Good Works which God had prepared beforehand that we should do. We have not been alone in this, GOD has blessed us with a small, amazing Army of likeminded brothers and sisters in Christ, volunteering their time, talents, and resources to help plan, implement, and build this camp.
Waiting on anything can be difficult and frustrating at best, but GOD Is Faithful! These 35 years on the farm as a woman, wife, mother, farm hand, and now camp cook have taught me that GOD is working on our behalf while we wait, and the seemingly slow Process is of utmost importance to Him for He is molding our hearts of clay; His timing is always perfect. His sweet instruction is found in Psalm 37:7 Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him!
We have learned in waiting and have seen the Wonderful Blessings of the Lord and felt His presence throughout this camp build Process and now also -in hearts and lives Changed during this first year of active Camps.
Our Hope as a family is Philippians 1:6 Being CONFIDENT of this very thing, that HE who has begun a good work in you WILL complete it until the day of Christ.